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Accessibility Testing Service

We encourage the release of inclusive software that can be used by people with disabilities.



When a system is frequently updated, there must be a guarantee that the new release will work just as well or better than the previous version. Guaranteeing this through manual testing has a very high cost.

In today’s world, organizations providing more opportunities for people with disabilities through software will have a considerable competitive advantage.

Given that software is everywhere, this inclusion largely depends on applications.



Both web and mobile applications can have a wider reach if they take accessibility into account and if they are designed for anyone to use them.

Within internal systems, this quality attribute makes it possible for an organization to improve its inclusion of people with disabilities, providing them with the tools necessary to work.

At CalvisionIT, we contribute towards improving the accessibility of a system by using assessments that combine the use of automatic tools focused on verifying guides and standards as well as by executing validations in specific scenarios.
